Payment & PricingRead about the variety of payment options offered by OneWe-Electro.Payment methodsThe OneWe-Electro accepts variety payment methods.1) Direct Deposit2)Credit Cards and Debits Cards - NOTE: We accept no credits cards at this time.3)Cash - NOTE: We accept no cash payments at this time.Each order needs a single shipping address.Direct DepositTo pay for your purchase using a Direct Deposit: 1. Place your order via email Obtain the final dollar total of your order including GST and any applicable shipping charges from OneWe-Electro.3. Have your bank electronically transfer the total dollar amount of your order using the routing information below.4. Reference your web order number with your payment.Direct Deposit Bank AccountNew Zealand:•Beneficiary: OneWe-Electro•Bank: ASB Bank New Zealand•Account #: we will send the account number with the order. •Note: Please allow three (3) business days for OneWe-Electro to receive your payment and start processing your order.Credit Cards or Debit CardThe option is temporary not availbale. We accept no credits cards at this time.CashThe option is temporary not availbale. We accept no cash at this time.Can I change my billing address?Please ensure that your billing address is correct at the time of placing your order. Once your order has been accepted by OneWe-Electro your billing address cannot be changed. . 23-M-04